Católica Research Centre for the Future of Law is a research unit of generalist scope at Católica Law School. It was founded in November 2012.
Its mission is to promote key changes to the traditional paradigm of legal research in Portugal. The Research Centre aims to set Católica apart from other Portuguese law schools in its way of thinking about and carrying out legal research. We are committed to a paradigm that stresses teamwork, interdisciplinary research, and a transnational focus.
Instead of individual and isolated research, we support research projects that imply the cooperation of researchers with different areas of interest and expertise or integrated in a single research network. We also support interdisciplinary research grounded in the interface between law and other subjects that widen the critical and creative benchmarks of the jurist. Transnational research, the third mainstay of the new research paradigm, expands the scope of academic dialogue, freeing the researcher from the burden of writing for a very small audience and subjecting his work to the broad and demanding scrutiny of her peers within the framework of a truly global academic dialogue.
In addition to academic research, whether of the pure or the applied type, Católica Law School is conscious of the fundamentally practical dimension of law and accordingly purports to, through the Research Centre, build a springboard to carry out legal consultation.
It is an expression of the inclusive vocation of the Research Centre that it houses not only the faculty and doctoral candidates at the Lisbon and Oporto branches of Católica Law School and the Global School of Law but also law professors and researchers with an outstanding record willing to join research teams or produce research in accordance with the spirit that pervades the Centre.
For more information visit: Católica Research Centre for the Future of Law